Sunday, November 1, 2009

All About Micah

Micah is super verbal, and it is starting to become much easier to understand him. That is a lot of fun for me since I have been waiting for this day since they were born! It is interesting though how Micah seem more focused on saying things correctly than actually communicating an idea. If he can't say it right, or I don't understand him, he is very quick to give up. He loves to sit and work on saying words correctly. We spent 10 minutes just saying Samantha over and over again the other day. He actually says the "S" sound like I used to (I think). It is almost like he is sucking in when he says an S. He copies everything I say, which is a little scary. Here are just a few of the things I have overheard him saying to someone else recently:

"Noah, no screaming"
"Noah, stop kicking Micah!"
"Samantha, no whining!"
"Daddy, say excuse me."
"Noah, it's sleep time."
"Mommy, say you're sorry."
"Noah, don't touch tv...timeout"

I guess I'm still a bit bossy!

He still loves learning. His favorite show right now is "Super Why." It is a show about super-hero kids who find the answers to their problems in books. They are always asking questions about what letters are/spelling/what sounds certain letter make. Micah just sits on the couch and stares at the TV and answers all their questions. It is a good think it is only 20 min long, or he would sit there ALL DAY. He loves to sing the abc song and can count to 22. He still finds shapes and colors everywhere and loves pointing them out to me or asking Noah to find them. He will say: "Noah, see circle?" and then wait for Noah to find it. When Noah does, Micah cheers: "Yay, Noah!"

Yesterday, we were reading a book and it had a picture of a star in it. Micah pointed to it and then proceeded to sing "Twinkle, twinkle little star." I have never sang that song to him. He sang every word...all the way through! The sleep book that Nanna gave him when Samantha was born plays the melody, but not the words...I really don't know where he picked it up! Even Noah knew most of the words.

He has started climbing a lot more recently, which makes for a lot more fun at the park (and makes it a bit more stressful for me), as well as for some interesting times at home when I find him on top of the table etc....

He is still little Mr impatient. If things don't go his way, or he can't figure something out quick enough, he tends to get frustrated very quickly...just like his Mom, poor guy! It is sometimes so funny (and other times just really exasperating) to watch him get so upset over something when you know if he just gave it 3 more seconds he would be fine.

He is also still a huge cuddle bug. He loves to give kisses and hugs and does so randomly throughout the day. He also says "I love you" all the time. It melts my heart. He NEVER forgets to have kisses after prayer. Cory started that tradition. They each give us a kiss, then each other, and then we have a family kiss. Micah NEVER EVER forgets. If I try to put him to bed right after prayer without kisses, he is super quick to remind me. I love it. He comes up to me at least once a day and asks to cuddle. Sometimes it only lasts 5 seconds, but I still love that he asks

It has also been fun to see how much more he remembers from day to day...this is true of both the boys. We started the family movie night tradition last month. It has been a whole month since we did it, but when I started setting up the fort on Wednesday, they both ran to their rooms, got their blankets and pillows and asked for popcorn. The downside is they also remeber when I promise something and don't deliver. Like, "We'll go to the park tomorrow." Yeah, they don't forget!

He has started drinking his milk out of his cereal bowl, and how can I tell him no when he sees me do the same thing every morning?

His reaction to his first taste of Hot Chocolate:

So, that is our Micah. I couldn't imagine life without him.


  1. PS...Love the reaction to chocolate milk...that's How I look when I get some too!

  2. What can I say you are both a couple of cutie pies!

  3. Yes..the progression of the pix captured his reaction fun.
    I love all of my little Marshes...all five of you!!!!
