Sunday, June 23, 2013

Random Doings

We had my siblings and parents over a while back (missing D&M and family though).  The kids had fun together:

They had the "best movie night ever!!!!!"  (direct quote from Micah and Noah):

We went to a park for dinner and had a family water fight.  The kids all loved chasing Mom and Dad around the field:

Ice cream sandwiches were a hit even if they were a melted mess by the time we got to them:

 Just a typical night with Dad:

Boys went to a pajama movie preschool party right around the time of preschool graduation:

Samantha made this for me for Mother's Day (with the help of her darling primary teacher).  She was SUPER proud of it:

They boys are teaching Samantha to play baseball....guess we need to get her a glove!

We went up the canyon with cousins.  Here are all the girls:

And they all kept running down this hill again and again.........and again.  Seriously surprised it lasted so long before someone got hurt (Ryan, then Megan, then Hannah all within just seconds of each other after 15+ minutes of lots of fun and no injuries)

Hannah got a new dolly from Nanna b/c she wasn't old enough to go to "cousins camp" this year:

I just love this view each morning.  All my kids with their cute little toes behind them b/c the bar I created / designed is too tall for them to sit normally.  (-:

I wasn't feeling well one evening so while I escaped to the basement tub with a book, Cory created an indoor swimming pool for the kids in our HUGE tub.  They LOVED it.

And just this last weekend, Cory took the boys on the annual Fathers and Sons campout.  They had a blast!


  1. The toes at the bar are so cute! And I love your chevron curtains!

  2. Looks like you guys are having a blast!! Miss you all!
