Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happy Girl

This girl is the happiest girl you will ever see. All it takes is a glance to elicit these type of smiles.

She giggles and squeals and love to play. She is so stinkin social. She loves everyone. During my lesson today, she was sitting on one of the YW laps and anytime I even glance her way I got a big old grin. It was hard to stay focused on the lesson. We adore her. She is just what this overstressed, uptight mom needs! Thanks Samantha!

A bit about what she is doing: She loves her toys. She will focus intently on any toy I give her. She will work to try and grab it or turn it over (her soft blocks) or she will scoot herself over to it. If her binky is on the tray in front of her in her swing, she will try for 10-15 min to grab it and put it in her mouth. I never remember the boys doing least not at this age. They were never content/happy long enough! I actually remember wondering what infant toys were for b/c my kids sure never found a use for them.

She really loves her brothers. I used to keep her in the pack and play for tummy time/floor time, but she will have none of that anymore. She is only happy if she is right out on the floor with all of us (and then, she is perfectly happy). She laughs and giggles anytime they pay attention to her. I just love it.

She loves to stare at her hands. She will open and close them again and again while staring at them in absolute awe/wonder.

She is a doll and we truly adore her.


  1. Every mom needs a daughter there cheering them on. I've got mine...I'm glad you've got yours!

  2. What a sweet comment...
