Sunday, November 15, 2009

Big Boy Blankets

Although the boys have had "big boy beds" for quite a while now, they haven't had big boy blankets. It just hasn't been cold enough for blankets and honestly, they still just seemed too little. But, they really are more boy than baby now and it is getting really cold at night, so we gave them some blankets. The other quilt was dirty this night, so that is why Micah has a wimpy blanket, but he too has a quilt now.


  1. ahhh. how cute. gotta love those quilts.

  2. I'm glad it could be used for a second generation.

  3. What does the other quilt look like? Is it a matching set?

  4. The other one is one of two I made for the boys when they were still in the bunk beds. This one was Cory's college quilt.
