Sunday, November 15, 2009

Another Enginerd

As many of you know, my Dad is a Rocket Scientist...He builds rockets. He is actually currently a head engineer on the Ares Rocket which was voted the best invention of the year by Time Magazine!
Anyway, he is an Engineer, or in other words, an all out nerd. We lovingly tease him about it Dad is a Engi-nerd.

So are my brothers. In Devin's current job, he takes apart enemy missiles and tries to figure out what makes them tick with a top security clearance from the government. Curtis is a typical computer geek who can fix pretty much anything you need him to.

Well, we think we have another Engi-nerd on our hands. Lately, Micah will spend 1-3 hour periods laying out blocks or puzzles or books in long lines across the floor. He has a exact place for each of them (although I can't tell how he decides). I mean it is down to the inch! I will ask if I can help him and he always says yes, so I will ask him where a book (or puzzle or block) goes, and then the conversation goes like this:

Me: Where does this book go?
Micah: No, Mommy, not dat one. Dis one.
Me: Okay, where should I put it?
Micah: Wight heere.
Me: Here? (as I set it down just where he pointed)
Micah: No! Heeere! (as he moves it about 1/2 in to the left)

It is so funny. No one can touch it. Sometimes Noah will come and start playing with one of the puzzles, or tries to read one of the books and I swear Micah thinks the world is ending by the fit he throws.

Once he gets them all lined up all the way across the room, he steps back and just admires his creation for a minute or two. Then he messes it all up and starts over again. I will take a picture next time and add it to this post, but it is so interesting. I can't wait to see what he creates as a adult.


  1. You are in trouble ...that's all I can say!

  2. that's hilarious! Can't wait to play with you guys next week!

  3. Funny, funny boy. I don't know that anyone was like that in our family.
