Sunday, November 10, 2013

Quiet Room Time Boxes

Found  a few minutes for another quick update.  (-:

But I've decided that instead of writing this blog to random people out there, I'm going to address it to my kids.  That is who I am writing it for, right?  So, here goes!

Way back in June, I created "quiet room time" boxes for each of you.  You each have one for every day of the week (Mon-Fri) and I LOVE them.  Each box has something to build with, a puzzle, something academic, something creative,  and something to read.  You all spend 1 hour each day alone in your rooms being quiet.  It has replaced naptime and is nice b/c it gives me a bit of time to myself each day.  Sometimes I get overly frustrated when you come out of your rooms during "quiet room time," and I'm sorry!  But I'm much better at being a good mother if I have just a bit of alone time each day.  For the most part you love quiet room time once you get in there, but you fight me every day b/c you say you'd rather be watching a movie or playing on the iPad. 

Here are a few of your quiet room time creations from the last few months:

1 comment:

  1. Yea you're back... I think Quiet room time is brilliant!
