Sunday, May 26, 2013

Graduations and Celebrations

The boys graduated from preschool!  They had so much fun this year in "Teacher Wendy's" class.  She was a fantastic teacher and the social aspect of this little group of six kids was very good for the boys.

Here they are on "stage" for their graduation:

Micah reciting  "Humpty Dumpty:"

Noah reciting "Jack and Jill:"

Micah getting is "diploma"  (-:

Noah getting his "diploma"

 The whole class with Teacher Wendy:

The boys loved all the kids in their class, but Alli is an especially good friend!

We love teacher Wendy!

Dinner at Red Robin after "graduation:"

Hopefully this will become a tradition (that is the plan anyway!).  We gave the boys "Oh, the Places You'll Go" and had teacher Wendy sign it.  The plan is to have all their teachers sign it until the actually graduate from high school.  We will "re-gift" it each year and re-read it.  (-:

 And a few videos of their graduation.  This was one of their favorites:

 They learned a song for every season and every month.  When I asked which was their favorite, they said "September!  Our Birthday!"  And their favorite season is summer b/c they get to play outside a lot:

 Micah recited Humpty Dumpty:

And Noah recited Jack and Jill:

And this was their favorite song:

Samantha has been in gymnastics since the beginning of the year.  She has loved it.  It has been a really great social outlet for her as well as a chance for her to "shine."  She was SUPER scared the first day, but now does all sorts of things like walking on the balance beam and "filps" (with her teachers help).  It has been really fun to watch her.  Last week, they had a "performance" in the evening so Cory finally got to come see her.  She got a medal and a small gift (candy and water).  Here she is on our way out the door:

They had a fun balloon arch at the door to the gym.  She was sure those balloons were just for her and was so sad when she didn't get to take them home:

They all came in waving their sticks:

Getting her medal:

And we did take her out to dinner afterward, but forgot to take pictures.  We went to Ihop (her choice).

And here are a few short videos that Cory took that night:

1 comment:

  1. Wow Misty you have really been busy and so have your kids! I love the little graduation pictures and what a great idea with the book. Samantha looks so cute in her gymnastics clothes.... I am still so bummed that I had to miss all of this.
    PS All the videos are private so I couldn't watch them.
