Thursday, October 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

I forgot Cory's birthday last year.  Yep.  We had been living in different states for a couple of months and I just forgot all about it.  What makes it worse is that my birthday is just 6 days before and he made it really nice: even without any money.  So, I wanted to do something nice this year.  We had agreed not to get each other gifts b/c we bought a new video camera instead, so I tried to think of something meaningful, but cheap too!  I decided to do a cute picture of the kids, but since I'm not a photographer, and my four kids squished together are a bit wiggly, it was quite the process.  Here are just a few of the "takes" (some got deleted):


  1. A good chuckle before bed (and setting up my brain for happy dreams)
    Cute, cute, cute!!! I'm so thankful you married my son!

  2. You got some great shots there... I'm surprised they sat still that long.

  3. Also looks like you had to do a change of clothes with Hanna... you really had to work for that photo!

  4. Change of clothes for all of them actually. It was two separate days. I realized after the first day that Sam was shirtless....and you could see Hanna's diapers in all of them. Decided to try again.

  5. My comments are floating somewhere. I said last night that I appreciated the chuckle before bed and maybe it would bring happy dreams. I'm always and forever thankful you said, "yes" to my funny son.
