Sunday, October 30, 2011

Good, Better, Best

If there is anyone who still actually checks this thing, you've noticed that I"ve all but stopped blogging.  That is b/c I have this goal to put all my blog posts into a book each year.  Well, I started blogging 5 years ago, and I have two books.  So I am WAY BEHIND.  I've been trying to put each post into a scrapbooking page before I post it here so that they will be all ready to transfer to a book.  Well, that is exactly what is keeping me from posting.  I just don't love to scrapbook.  It isn't my talent.  It isn't my love.  It takes me forever and I'm still not usually happy with the results.  My Mom is ULTRA good at it.  As a side note, if you want to learn how, she just started a blog to help teach others.  Here is her most recent page from that blog:

Anyway, if  you've read Pres Oaks talk about Good, Better, Best, you will know what i mean when I say that I've decided that having all our memories in cute scrapbooking pages and bound in a book is good, but having them recorded here is best.  So, I'm forgetting the scrapbooking for a while and just posting the pictures with a quick explanation of what is going on.

I'm just soaking in every moment I have with my kiddos right now.  I guess it is the spirit, but I just feel so very strongly that these precious moments will go so very fast and all I will have left of them is my memories.  I want to preserve those memories here b/c I really enjoy being the mother of these four beautiful children and the wife of my incredible husband.  Life is good: it is also hard, but it is oh, so very good and I want to remember it that way.  I want my kids to know that I enjoyed them - that we enjoyed each other while they were young.  They are so fun and so good and so pure.  I want to remember every piece of them I can.

I'm going to start with what is most current and work each Sunday evening until I get caught up.

Keep scrolling down and you will see three that I put up today.  I also added some things to the "funnies" in the sidebar (I had posted them to facebook which is how I was able to find them again).




  1. I posted a long comment but I think it's out in the ether. I'm glad you are blogging instead of scrapbooking. It is hard to read the scrapbook pages and I can't get pictures to save for myself. So I will enjoy this while it lasts.

  2. Me me I check it still so fun to find something new here. Looking forward to hearing more about your crazy life and those adorable children.

  3. Thanks for the complement… you are my best cheerleader for sure.

  4. I think you are totally right- I would love to scrapbook every little thing, but recording it SOMEHOW is good enough for now. It's so hard to juggle all the good things isn't it? I think you do a very good job of keeping your priorities in order.
