Monday, July 19, 2010

Catch Up

I'm am going to try to play catch up on this blog.  We all (the boys included) love looking through the first two books I've made, so I really want to continue it.  However, I am extremely far behind and have a TON of catching up to do.  In addition, I'd really like to scrapbook everything and I know if I don't now, I won't go back and do it.  However, Cory accidently deleted all my scrapbooking stuff (HOURS AND HOURS of work) a few months ago. So, that will take a bit longer as well.  My goal is to do 1 page each day--hopefully, I won't have more than 1-2 new posts a week so I should be able to get caught up eventually, right?  I will back date all my posts from the past so that they appear in the correct order, but I will let you know when / if I post something new that is from a while ago (because it won't appear at the top of the blog).  Yes, I know that my mom is likely the only one reading this, but I just thought I'd let you know!

The only new post from today is Samantha's one year old post.  Can you believe she is 1 yr old?  Wow.


  1. We...I will take the updates when and however you give them! Sorry to hear about your lost scrapbooking supplies.

  2. I'm so glad you are back to blogging! I have missed you.

  3. I look at your blog often hoping there is a new post. It's always fun to see what everyone is doing.
