Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Big Boy Diaper

So we are trying to potty train Noah. He is super interested in everything having to do with the bathroom and really seems to want to try it, so we are giving it a go. We let him pick out a bunch of candy at the store and told him that anytime he went on the "big boy potty," he could have a piece. Well, it worked...a little too well! He asks to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes and then goes just a teeny-tiny bit. It would be funny if I wasn't trying to breastfeed or take care of another 2 yr old, or cook, or clean, etc etc....

He has actually stayed dry for about 4-5 hours, so that is promising. I think he would really do it if I would just buckle down and stop giving him diapers for a few days. It is just a lot more work that I had anticipated, so I will probably wait until after Christmas.

Micah has ZERO interest in doing anything that has to do with the big boy potty. He will watch Noah go and get his candy, but he never wants to try himself. He even said once to me: "No, Micah like diaper, thank you."

Noah is super sweet though and often shares the candy he gets with Micah. Anyway, here are a couple of cute pictures of him in his new "big boy diaper," which he loves:


  1. This sounds so familiar. Hopefully he will keep it up. Spencer reminded me the other day of when he got candy for going to the bathroom. "lets do that again, mom." he says.

  2. OH Micah... you are just a smarty pants...
